RAD in the Neighborhood

RAD in the Neighborhood

Past Project (2020)


RAD in The Neighborhood is a partnership between the California African American Museum (CAAM) and USC Roski School of Art and Design allowing graduate students and faculty provide high-quality, year-round, weekly after-school visual arts and design programming and mentorship for students at Ánimo Jackie Robinson High School.

The project will spark the imagination of students with a series of field trips and workshops to expand their visions and better prepare them for college, as well as provide mentorship, teaching. and citizenship opportunities for graduate student artists, designers. and curators.


  • Strengthen high school student participants’ college readiness
  • Model college life for student participants by building connections with  near-peer mentors, role models, and college faculty in the creative fields
  • Increase student participants’ confidence and skills in art and design, and instilling an understanding of professional pathways in these fields
  • Improve USC students’ growth in awareness  of opportunities and satisfaction in community-based art work