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University Park Slow Jams: Norwood Elementary Band Aid
February 28, 2023 @ 7:00 am - 8:30 am

Let’s fix the bad sidewalks around Norwood Elementary School!
What’s the “Norwood Band Aid Activation?”
To call attention to this longstanding issue, we’re recruiting folks to place giant band aids on top of sidewalk “ouchies.” These are no regular band aids; they boast a QR code that, when scanned, takes you to MyLA311 so that we can report these bad sidewalks. Our goal is to create a tidal wave of these reports so that the City will pay attention and fix them and we can stop tripping over them. Once the band aids are in place, we’ll encourage friends and neighbors to report them as well. For added, good-natured pressure, we can post photos of our adventures to Instagram, tagging @myla311.
Sign up with Nicole Carrera, carreran@usc.edu
University Park Slow Jams (UPSJ), a collaboration between Public Matters, USC Kid Watch, USC Price, USC University Relations, and Los Angeles Walks that works with five local schools to advocate for safe, people-friendly streets for all. UPSJ partners collaborate with community members on memorable, eye-catching spectacles that call attention to dangerous traffic conditions and broken public infrastructure. Through workshops, trainings, and direct engagement, University Park Slow Jams seeks to build participants’ capacity to create safer, more walkable streets.
University Park Slow Jams (UPSJ), a collaboration between Public Matters, USC Kid Watch, USC Price, USC University Relations, and Los Angeles Walks that works with five local schools to advocate for safe, people-friendly streets for all. UPSJ partners collaborate with community members on memorable, eye-catching spectacles that call attention to dangerous traffic conditions and broken public infrastructure. Through workshops, trainings, and direct engagement, University Park Slow Jams seeks to build participants’ capacity to create safer, more walkable streets.